Meet our Teaching Staff
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- Eric Birch High School
- Mr. Whitley

Degrees and Certifications:
Mr. Whitley
Mr. Whitley has been teaching at Eric Birch High School his entire teaching career - 16 Years. That's a long time, but Mr. Whitley LOVES what he does. However, he didn't start out wanting to be a teacher. When he graduated high school in 1980, Mr. Whitley attended Langston University and received his Bachelors Degree in Broadcast Journalism. He held many different positions IN FRONT and BEHIND the microphone and camera for several years. He went on to become an officer in the US Navy aboard the USS Antietam (CG-54) home port of Long Beach. Mr. Whitley served during the Persian Gulf War, but due to an illness in the family, had to leave the military. He later had very successful career working in the cellphone industry for 10+ years. Finally, he went back to Langston to receive his Masters Degree in Urban Education, shortly after which he started working here at EBHS. Mr. Whitley is married with no children (except his students). It is his sincere hope to be helpful in their goal to receive a high school diploma.