- ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥
- Coronavirus
Latest Updates/La información más reciente
(Updated March 18, 2020)
FUSD Coronavirus Update - Fontana Adult School
FUSD Coronavirus Update - Fontana Adult School (spanish)
Confirmed Coronavirus Cases:
In FUSD: 0
In Fontana: 1
In San Bernardino County: 3
In California: 740
The situation with the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to change, we encourage all of our families to limit the potential exposure to this threat by staying home whenever possible.
Learning During Closure:
In an effort to provide students with home learning opportunities during this closure, the District has developed educational activities and resources for Pre-K-12th grade students. Packets are being mailed out on March 16 and are available for download below. While these learning opportunities are not required, they highly recommended in order to keep your students engaged educationally.
Preschool Home Learning (English and Spanish)
TK Home Learning (English and Spanish)
Grades K-1 Home Learning (English and Spanish)
Grades 2-3 Home Learning (English and Spanish)
Grades 4-5 Home Learning (English and Spanish)
Grades 6-12 Home Learning (English and Spanish)
Meal Distribution During Closure:
We are currently making arrangements to deliver meals to students with compromised autoimmune systems. More information to come regarding that service.
School Closure Meal Distribution
School Closure Meal Distribution (Spanish)
FUSD School Closure Announcement:
As you know, the health and safety of our students, staff and our surrounding community is a priority. With the evolving 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 situation has caused educational institutions and organizations of virtually all industries to make difficult decisions about their business operations.
At an emergency Board Meeting on March 13, 2020, the Board of Education took action to close ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ Schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 through March 27, 2020 with a possible extension to be determined. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide details as available.
How long will ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ (FUSD) be closed?
ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥’s Board of Education took action to close all FUSD Schools beginning Monday, March 16, 2020 through March 27, 2020 with a possible extension to be determined. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide details as available.
Will students be required to do schoolwork during this closure?
We will be providing Home Learning opportunities. On Monday March 16 we will be mailing out resource packets for all PreK-12th grade students to all students’ home addresses (on file). These packets can also be downloaded from our website. Additional work will be made available if the closure is extended.
Will meals be available for students during the closure?
To ensure the nutritional well-being of our students while at home or under other care, our district will be distributing grab and go breakfast and lunch meals every day of the school closure for any child 18 years of age or younger to take home. Breakfast for the following day will be distributed along with lunch. Meals will be available outside the front office and delivered curbside each weekday at select school locations.
If I have an IEP Special Needs child, can I have food delivered to my home?
Yes. All IEP students who have transportation needs will be contacted regarding having meals delivered. If you are not on that list or do not receive a call but have a special needs student or a child that in under self quarantine, please contact our office at 909-357-5160 to arrange meal delivery during this closure.
What sanitation activities will take place while schools are closed?
During school closure, we will conduct a thorough disinfection and sanitization of all classrooms, libraries, labs, cafeteria, etc. This will help ensure an even healthier and safe environment once our students and staff return.
Can we come onto the school campus to get books, supplies, etc. during the closure?
Our school campuses will be closed to the public. If you need to come to a school location, please, contact the school office by phone to schedule an appointment.
Will this school closure require that the school year be extended into the summer?
At this time any extension to the school year has not been determined. We will continue to work with the California Department of Education to determine what requirements and guidelines we must follow for the remainder of the school year.
Is the afterschool program open during school closures?
No. In an effort to support the safety and well-being of all students, the program will be closed and following the same school schedule as the district.
The after school program will provide activity kits for students to complete at home. Distribution of activity kits will be at the designated locations where meals are distributed and available curbside too. We are working closely with the ÂãÁÄÖ±²¥ to align services during the school day and provide as much support as possible.
Calls for the after school program at Southridge MS, Almeria MS, DHIA, and Tokay Elementary can be directed to the Boys & Girls Club (909) 822-4988. Questions for all other elementary and middle schools may be directed to Fontana Expanded Learning Program (FELP) at (909) 350-6585. Parents may also call Yubleni Cazares or Vanessa Hoff at FUSD, district office at (909) 357-5000, ext. 29183.
Will Graduation be cancelled or postponed?
The situation regarding further closures and cancellations continues to evolve. At this time, no determination has been made regarding how we will proceed with graduations. We continue to monitor the situation and will determine the best course of action to ensure the safety of our families as that time comes closer.
Will Spring sports continue the season?
All Athletics are suspended as of Monday March 16. No games or practices will take place until further notice.
Have any school children in California been diagnosed with the coronavirus?
There are NO confirmed cases of any FUSD students testing positive for the coronavirus. As of March 14, only two K-12 students have been publicly identified as testing positive to the virus. Both of these students live up in northern California, one is a student who attends a private school in San Francisco and a student at an Elementary School in the Elk Grove Unified School District.
What should I tell my child about the virus - if anything?
“Be honest and say there is a cold virus that is showing up in different countries,” said Yvonne Maldonado, director of Infection Control at Stanford Children’s Hospital. “It makes some people very sick, but most people — especially children — seem not to get very sick with it”. The National Child Traumatic Stress Network also offers a guide for helping children/familes cope with Coronavirus.
Preguntas Frecuentes
Durante cuánto tiempo estará cerrado el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fontana (FUSD)?
En este momento no se ha determinado ninguna prórroga del año escolar. Continuaremos trabajando con el Departamento de Educación de California para determinar qué requisitos y pautas debemos seguir para el resto del año escolar.
Se requerira que los estudiantes hagan las tareas escolares durante este cierre?
Proporcionaremos oportunidades de aprendizaje en el hogar. El lunes 16 de marzo enviaremos paquetes de recursos para todos los estudiantes de prek-12 a las direcciones de todos los estudiantes (en el archivo). Estos paquetes también se pueden descargar desde nuestro sitio web. Se proporcionará tarea adicional si el cierre se prolonga.
Habra comidas disponibles para los estudiantes durante el cierre?
Para garantizar el bienestar nutricional de nuestros estudiantes mientras están en casa o bajo otros cuidados, nuestro distrito distribuirá comidas para el desayuno y el almuerzo todos los días del cierre de la escuela para niños de 18 años de edad o menos para llevar a casa. El desayuno para el día siguiente se distribuirá junto con el almuerzo. Las comidas estarán disponibles fuera de la oficina de recepción y se entregarán en la acera cada día de la semana en ubicaciones escolares selectas.
Que actividades de saneamiento se llevaran a cabo mientras las escuelas esten cerradas?
Durante el cierre de la escuela, llevaremos a cabo una desinfectación y desinfección exhaustiva de todas las aulas, bibliotecas, laboratorios, cafetería, etc. Esto ayudará a garantizar un ambiente aún más saludable y seguro una vez que nuestros estudiantes y personal regresen.
Podemos ir al edificio escolar a buscar libros, suministros, etc. durante el cierre?
Nuestros edificios escolares estarán cerrados al público. Si necesita venir a la escuela, por favor, comuníquese por teléfono con la oficina de la escuela para programar una cita.
Ests abierto el programa despues de la escuela durante los cierres de la escuela?
No. En un esfuerzo por apoyar la seguridad y el bienestar de todos los estudiantes, el programa se cerrará y seguirá el mismo horario escolar que el distrito.
El programa después de la escuela proporcionará kits de actividades para que los estudiantes los completen en casa. La distribución de los kits de actividades se realizará en los lugares designados donde se distribuyan las comidas y también estarán disponibles en la acera. Estamos trabajando estrechamente con el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fontana para alinear los servicios durante el día escolar y proporcionar tanto apoyo como sea posible.
Las llamadas para el programa después de la escuela en Southridge MS, Almeria MS, DHIA y Tokay Elementary pueden ser dirigidas al Boys & Girls Club (909) 822-4988. Las preguntas para todas las demás escuelas primarias y secundarias pueden ser dirigidas al Programa de Aprendizaje Expandido de Fontana (FELP) al (909) 350-6585. Los padres también pueden llamar a Yubleni Cazares o Vanessa Hoff en FUSD, oficina del distrito al (909) 357-5000, ext. 29183.
Durante cuanto tiempo estara cerrado el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fontana (FUSD)?
La Junta de Educación del Distrito Escolar Unificado de Fontana tomó medidas para cerrar todas las Escuelas FUSD a partir del lunes 16 de marzo de 2020 al 27 de marzo de 2020 con una posible extensión aún por determinar. Continuaremos monitoreando esta situación y proporcionando detalles en cuanto estén disponibles.
Se cancelara o pospondra la graduacion?
La situación de cierres y cancelaciones sigue evolucionando. En este momento, no se ha tomado ninguna determinación con respecto a cómo procederemos con las graduaciones. Seguimos monitoreando la situación y determinaremos el mejor curso de acción para garantizar la seguridad de nuestras familias a medida que se acerca ese tiempo.
Continuaran la temporada los deportes de primavera?
Todos los deportes atléticos están suspendidos a partir del lunes 16 de marzo. No se llevarán a cabo juegos o prácticas hasta nuevo aviso.
Algun niño estudiante en California ha sido diagnosticado con el coronavirus?
NO hay casos confirmados de ningún estudiante de FUSD que haya dado positivo con el coronavirus. A partir del 14 de marzo, sólo dos estudiantes de K-12 han sido identificados públicamente con pruebas positivas del virus. Ambos estudiantes viven en el norte de California, uno es un estudiante que asiste a una escuela privada en San Francisco y un estudiante en una Escuela Primaria en el Distrito Escolar Unificado de Elk Grove.
Por si acaso, que debo decirle a mi hijo sobre el virus?
"Sé honesto y di que hay un virus de resfrío que está afectando y apareciendo en a diferentes países", dijo Yvonne Maldonado, directora de Control de Infecciones del Hospital de Niños de Stanford. "Hace que algunas personas estén muy enfermas, pero la mayoría de las personas, especialmente los niños, parecen no enfermarse mucho con él". Aquí hay una guía para ayudar a los niños / familias a sobrellevar el coronavirus.