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Architect will notify Contractor before processing of improper RFIs. Frivolous RFI's: RFI's that request information that is clearly shown on Contract Documents. Frivolous RFIs may be returned unanswered or may be processed by Architect at Architect's standard hourly rate and Architect will charge Owner, and such costs will be deducted from moneys still due Contractor. Architect will notify Contractor before processing of frivolous RFIs. CONTRACTOR'S REQUESTS FOR INFORMATION When the Contractor is unable to determine from Contract Documents, material, process or system to be installed, Architect will be requested to make clarification of indeterminate item. Whenever possible, such clarification shall be requested at next appropriate project meeting, with response entered into meeting minutes. When clarification at meeting is not possible, because of urgency of need, or complexity of item, Contractor shall prepare and submit RFI to Architect. Contractor shall endeavor to keep number of RFIs to minimum. In event that process becomes unwieldy, in opinion of Architect, because of number and frequency of RFIs submitted, Architect may require Contractor to abandon process and submit future requests as submittals, substitutions or requests for change. RFIs shall be submitted on form acceptable to Architect. Forms shall be completely filled in, and if prepared by hand, shall be fully legible after photocopying or transmission by facsimile (fax). Each page of attachments to RFIs shall bear RFI number in lower right corner. RFI's shall be originated by Contractor: RFI's from subcontractors or material suppliers shall be submitted through, reviewed by, and signed by Contractor before submittal to Architect. RFI's sent by subcontractor directly to Architect or Architect's consultants shall not be accepted and will be returned unanswered. Contractor shall carefully study Contract Documents to ensure that requested information is not available therein. RFIs which request information available in Contract Documents will be deemed "improper" or "frivolous as noted above. In cases where RFIs are issued to request clarification of coordination issues, for example pipe and duct routing, clearances, specific locations of Work shown diagrammatically, and similar items, Contractor shall fully lay out suggested solution using drawings or sketches drawn to scale, and submit same with RFI. RFIs which fail to include suggested solution will be returned unanswered with requirement that Contractor submit complete request. Do not use RFIs for following purposes: To request approval of submittals. To request approval of substitutions. To request changes which entail additional cost or credit. To request changes which entail change of time of completion. To request different methods of performing Work than those drawn and specified. In event Contractor believes that clarification by Architect results in additional cost or time, Contractor shall not proceed with Work indicated by RFI until change order is prepared and approved. RFIs shall not automatically justify cost increase in Work or change in project schedule. Answered RFIs shall not be construed as approval to perform extra Work. Unanswered RFIs will be returned with stamp or notation: Not Reviewed. Contractor shall prepare and maintain log of RFIs, and at any time requested by Architect, Contractor shall furnish copies of log showing outstanding RFIs. Contractor shall note unanswered RFIs in log. Contractor shall allow up to 14 days review and response time for RFIs, however, Architect will endeavor to respond in timely fashion to RFIs. ARCHITECT'S RESPONSE TO RFIs Architect will respond to RFIs on one of following forms: Properly prepared RFIs: Architect's Supplemental Instructions herein attached. Request for Proposal. Instruction Bulletin. Improper or Frivolous RFIs: Notification of Processing Fee(s). Unanswered RFIs will be returned with stamp or notation: Not Reviewed. Answers to properly prepared RFIs may be made on Architect-approved RFI form. Attach the original Contractors RFI to all responses. Architect may opt to retain RFIs for discussion during regularly scheduled project meetings for inclusion of responses in meeting minutes in lieu of responding on written form. PRODUCTS NOT USED EXECUTION NOT USED END OF SECTION ARCHITECT'S RFI No. SUPPLEMENTAL INSTRUCTIONS Date on RFI: (Architects Response to RFI) Actual Date received by Architect: Owner ( Contractor ( Inspector (Field) ( PROJECT: (Name, Address) OWNER: DATE OF ISSUANCE TO THE CONTRACTOR: TO: ARCHITECT: (Contractor) CONTRACT FOR: ARCHITECT'S PROJECT NO.: The Work shall be carried out in accordance with the following Supplemental Instructions issued in accordance with the Contract Documents without change in Contract Sum or Contract Time. Proceeding with the Work in accordance with these instructions indicates your acknowledgement that there will be no change in the Contract Sum or Contract Time. If a change in Contract Sum or Contract Time is anticipated, submit a proposal for the Work before proceeding with the change. The proposal shall be submitted within 7 days from the date of this response. Description: ____________________________Section No. ______________ Response Attachments and Clarification Drawings: __________________________________________ Project Architect   ֱ REQUEST FOR INFORMATION (RFIs) and Form 01 26 00 Revised: 01/07/22 Page  PAGE 1 of  NUMPAGES 6 Request For Information (RFIs) and Form Section 01 26 00 #VYZfg   \ k l  2 3 CD$KLOP34cdh;CJOJQJaJh#rh<CJOJQJaJh#rhZpCJOJQJaJh#rhciCJOJQJaJh#rhci5CJOJQJaJHZg  \ xxWW $ & F p@ @ 0x^@ `0a$gd;$ & F p@ px^pa$gd;$ & F p@ 8x^8a$gd;$ & F p@ 8^8a$gd;$ & F p@ a$gd;$ & F p@ a$gd; \ l 3 jI $ & F p@ 0x^`0a$gd; $ & F p@ x^`a$gd;$ & F p@ p^pa$gd;$ & F p@ px^pa$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd; LdUD$ & F p@ x`a$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd; $ & F p@ 0x^`0a$gd;$ & F p@ px^pa$gd;UcdDJK{| ^_S\jh#rhZpCJOJQJaJh#rhci5CJOJQJaJh#rCJOJQJaJh#rh<CJOJQJaJh#rhciCJOJQJaJHJfG$ & F p@ ^`a$gd; $ & F p@ 0^`0a$gd; $ & F p@ 0x^`0a$gd;$ & F p@ px^pa$gd;$ & F p@ p^pa$gd;$ & F p@ 0^`0a$gd;Sj \nQ$ & F p@ px^pa$gd; $ & F p@ @ x^@ `a$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd;$ & F p@ `a$gd;$ & F p@ `a$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd;   ,-[\EFNOWXYabkl{|ⳣ╈{q{{cqqh;h;>*CJOJQJh;CJOJQJh;h;CJOJQJh;hciCJOJQJh;hci5CJOJQJh#rh 5CJOJQJaJh#rh CJOJQJaJh#rh6(5CJOJQJaJh#rhci5CJOJQJaJh#rhciCJOJQJaJh#rh<CJOJQJaJ&\FOXbklhS$ p@ xa$gd;$ & F p@ x`a$gd;$ & F p@ `a$gd;$ & F p@ ^`a$gd; $ & F p@ 0^`0a$gd;$ & F p@ px^pa$gd;l{ %:;Lcy`$ p@ $xxa$gd;$ p@ x&dPa$gd;$ p@ ^`a$gd;$ p@ $xa$gd;$ p@ $xa$gd;$ p@ x^`a$gd;    #$%89:;CEKL[]_abcdoh#rhciCJOJQJaJh;h6(CJOJQJh;hci>*CJOJQJh;CJOJQJ joh;hciCJOJQJh;h;CJOJQJh;h0CJOJQJh;h;>*CJOJQJh;hciCJOJQJ3cd  X Y Z [ \ m u } $ p@ `x^``a$gd;$ p@ x&dPa$gd;$ p@ $xa$gd;$ p@ xa$gd;>>  ! = > E I K Q W X Y Z [ \ ] ` d f l m t u | } ĸӸӸӏӇhIy#jhIy#UhciCJOJQJaJh;>*CJOJQJaJh;h;>*CJOJQJaJh;CJOJQJaJh#rh,CJOJQJaJh#rhciCJOJQJaJh#rh6(CJOJQJaJh;hciCJOJQJaJ3} !E!N!O!!$a$gd#rd$ p@ a$gd;$ p@ xa$gd;$ p@ $xa$gd; !!;!@!D!E!M!N!O!X!Z![!\!^!b!h!i!o!p!q!r!v!w!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!λλέΞۚh#rhciCJOJQJaJhIy#h#rh#r@CJOJQJh#rh#rCJOJQJ\$jh#rh#rCJOJQJU\h#rh#rCJOJQJhgsh#rh]=CJOJQJ\aJh#rhgsCJOJQJ\aJ'O!!!!!!!$ p@ xa$gd; dgd#r"$a$gd#r " !$gd#rJ....()()))() 0000 P&P8$:p#rBP/ =!"#$% Dp&x02 0@P`p2( 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p 0@P`p8XV~ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@ 0@66666_HmH nH sH tH H`H Normal1$CJOJQJ_HmH sH tH dd  Heading 1,$$ `1$@&^``a$ 5OJQJDA D Default Paragraph FontViV  Table Normal :V 44 la (k (No List 4+4  Endnote Text>* > Endnote ReferenceH*66  Footnote Text@& !@ Footnote ReferenceH*NN TOC 1) $ 0*$]^`0JJ TOC 2% $ 0*$]^`0JJ TOC 3% $ p0*$]^p`0JJ TOC 4% $ @ 0*$]^@ `0JJ TOC 5% $ 0*$]^`0BB TOC 6 $0*$^`0:: TOC 70*$^`0BB TOC 8 $0*$^`0BB TOC 9 $ 0*$^`0N N Index 1% $ `*$]^``N N Index 2% $ 0*$]^`0>.>  TOA Heading *$ $*"* Caption:/: _Equation Caption4@4 Header ! !4 @"4 %0Footer " !H2H |. 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