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Prevent parking on or adjacent to access roads or in non-designated areas. FLAGMEN Provide trained and equipped flagmen to regulate traffic when construction operations or traffic encroach on public traffic lanes. FLARES AND LIGHTS Use flares and lights during hours of low visibility to delineate traffic lanes and to guide traffic. HAUL ROUTES Consult with authority having jurisdiction in establishing public thoroughfares to be used for haul routes and site access. Confine construction traffic to designated haul routes. Provide traffic control at critical areas of haul routes to regulate traffic, to minimize interference with public traffic. TRAFFIC SIGNS AND SIGNALS At approaches to site and on site, install at crossroads, detours, parking areas and elsewhere as needed to direct construction and affected public traffic. Install and operate traffic control devices as are necessary to direct and maintain orderly flow of traffic in areas under Contractor's control and areas affected by Contractor's operations. Relocate as Work progresses to maintain effective traffic control. REMOVAL Remove equipment and devices when no longer required. Repair damage caused by installation. Remove post settings to full depth. PRODUCTS NOT USED. EXECUTION NOT USED. 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