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See manufacturers and models indicated on Drawings 2.02 FINISH A. Stainless Steel EXECUTION INSPECTION Examine the substrates and conditions under which work of this section will be performed. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions detrimental to timely and proper completion of the work have been corrected. PREPARATION Coordinate the installation of adjoining surfaces and utility rough-ins with the other trades involved. INSTALLATION Install equipment in strict accordance with the manufacturer installation drawings and instructions, the approved shop drawings, and with applicable codes and regulations ADJUSTMENT Upon completion of installation and hook-up of equipment, in the presence of the Owner, put each item through a complete operating cycle. Verify that equipment is properly operating. Verify that trim is in place. Adjust components as necessary to ensure continued proper operation. Remove labels from equipment. CLEANING Remove packing debris. Remove all labels and clean interior and exterior surfaces of each appliance. SCHEDULE ITEM MODEL (General Electric.) 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