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- FAQ's
Frequently Asked Questions
What is required for a student to check-out a laptop?
Students are required to provide a signed 'One to One Laptop Distribution Agreement’ to the school before they check-out a laptop.
Where does a new student go to checkout a laptop?
At the time a new student is enrolled into FUSD, parents will fill out two forms. The first form is the Annual Parent Notification and the second is the Student Acceptable Use Agreement and One to One Distribution Agreement. Once these are completed, a laptop, laptop protective sleeve, stylus, and earbuds will be checked out to the student before leaving the enrollment center.
Will a student be charged if they damage a laptop? How much?
Yes, students will be assessed a fine.
Will a student be charged if they lose a laptop? How much?
Yes, students will be assessed a $50 fine for the first laptop that is lost. If a second laptop is lost, then it will be charged at the full replacement cost.
What student a should do if their laptop is stolen?
A police report will be required for the stolen laptop so that a student can obtain a new laptop from the library.
Will a student be charged if their laptop is stolen?
If a police report is provided, then the student will not be charged for the stolen laptop and the fine will be waived.
What if my student changes schools?
If a student changes schools due to promotion, intra district transfer, or unenrolls they will return their laptop and accessories to the current school librarian. They will be provided a laptop and accessories at the incoming school of enrollment.
What is the life span of student computers?
Student computers are purchased with a 3-year warranty and the goal is to proactively replace laptops every three years.
What should a student do if they are having technical problems with their laptop?
Students can check the various 1:1 resources on the district website, Microsoft Teams, or other resources made available by each school. If the laptop needs to be repaired, then they will turn the laptop into the designated area on campus (i.e. library, office) and receive a replacement laptop. Students will not be reissued the same laptop after it has been repaired.
What accessories will be provided to the student when checking out a laptop?
One to One device accessories include earbuds, stylus, case, and charger.
Will students receive replacement accessories (stylus, earbuds, charger, and case)?
Students may receive a replacement charger and will be charged the corresponding fee for each incident. Stylus, sleeves and earbuds will not be replaced.
What accessories will students be required to return to the library when dis-enrolling or transferring?
Students will be required to return the laptop and charger. Students will keep the laptop sleeve when transitioning to schools within the district.
Does the librarian provide technical support for student laptops?
No, librarians only assist with checking laptops in or out.
What does a student do with a nonworking laptop?
Laptops that need to be repaired must be returned to the library to be exchanged for a working laptop.
Will a student receive their nonworking device back after it is repaired?
No. It is important that students do not personalize the device with stickers because the original device will not be returned.