• Sequoia Library

    Sequoia Middle School has a great library that is staffed with a full-time librarian. The library is a quiet, friendly place for students and faculty to study, locate materials, do research, and read for pleasure. Computers are available for student use. Students are encouraged to visit the library and make it a part of the Sequoia experience. The library also hosts diverse heritage celebrations.

    Please follow the library rules below:

    1. All books, except reference books, may be checked out at designated times.
    2. No books may be checked in or out of the library unless the librarian or other authorized person is present.
    3. Fees will be assigned when books are overdue.
    4. Students will be required to pay for all lost and/or damaged books.
    5. Students must always follow Library and Computer SOAR Expectations.

    I hope to be a welcoming resource to students as they attend Sequoia Middle School.

    Maria Castillo Carpio
    Library Specialist