
  • The planning for new and existing schools and modernization of schools to ensure that adequate facilities are available to accommodate student enrollment; specialized functions pertaining to the School Facilities Funding Program; communicating and coordinating with various State, county, city and public agencies; developing capital facilities master plan and administering school impact mitigation and community facility district formation; coordinating and monitoring developer fees and other required fee collection and administration; developing survey procedures and maintaining information related to the current status of all facilities and master plan for school site and support facilities needed for the future; reviewing and recommending school site acquisitions; preparing enrollment projections; preparing long-range planning and demographic analysis; developing space utilization plans creating and amending school attendance boundaries; monitoring and overseeing the Use of Facilities process pursuant to the Civic Center Act.  

    Facilities is Comprised of:

    Construction  (909) 357-7528
    Coordinating and overseeing all phases of construction and modernization projects within the District. Review plans and submittals with architects, engineers, and construction managers. Oversee inspections and correspond with various state, county, city and public agencies for proper project close-outs.

    Community Facilities District Information

    To view or obtain , click on the link or navigate to http://www.specialtaxinfo.com/fontanausd in your web browser’s address bar. You can enter your assessor’s parcel number and obtain the current year’s tax amount, the property address, community facilities district number, and the final year of the tax.

    Pursuant to Government Code 53343.2 (AB 1666), commencing with the fiscal year ending July, 1, 2017 certain annual and periodic reports must be posted on a website and available to the public. These reports can be found by clicking on the button entitled “TRANSPARENCY” which is located at www.specialtaxinfo.com/fontanausd/#reports.

    Online Resources:

    Department Contacts:

    Facilities  (909) 357-7528

      Noel Garcia, Senior Director (909) 357-7528, ext. 29456
      Nicole LaCroix, Senior Secretary II (909) 357-7528, ext. 29456